How to Create the Best Experience Centre Interior Design?

Interior Design

The finest way to explore the suitability of a product is by having a wholesome experience of how the product makes you feel. By experiencing every feature, you allow yourself to map the amount of comfort that the product adds to your life. In the case of business-related products, the visitor can experience the technical features of every product to understand them better and discover how they can solve their specific needs. Recently, experiential marketing has become the talk of the town for its high influence on users’ decision-making & buying choices.

What is an Experience Centre?

As the name suggests, an experience centre is a place that provides you with the right knowledge about the product through meaningful interactions. The experience can be curated in the form of technological or architectural intervention. The best experience center interior design is the one that generates a feeling of excitement and curiosity, helping elevate a brand’s relationship with its potential customers. Through interpersonal engagement, brands develop an immersive experience creating an everlasting impact on people.

5 Unique Ways to Ace Experience Centre Interior Design

An experience center offers the most incredible understanding of buyer preferences and pain points. It helps brands develop an honest buyer persona which fuels innovation and technology. An experience center interior design should be such that artfully display concepts which match the real-life usage of products.

Well-Defined Circulation

Designing an experience centre is all about weaving a story. By defining the circulation path, you determine the hierarchy in which a potential client would experience your product. You can work out the circulation of the space with the basic principles of story-telling where you first introduce the brand and later dive deep into the product features and benefits. The circulation layout should be such that the walking distance is minimal thereby creating a comfortable experience.

Work on the Senses to achieve the Perfect Experience Centre Interior Design

Sensory stimulation is at the heart of experience centre interior design. The central idea of an experience centre is to instil the right emotions experienced while using the product. To achieve this, you should leverage every sensory element namely vision, smell, sound, taste and touch. For instance, if you are creating an experience centre for smart home automation products then you can design the space with smart appliances that respond to voice commands. You can hand out product samples so that people can go back to their homes and use the sample to recreate the experience you provided them with.

Incorporation of Technology

Technology has become an existential need of the modern world. Hence, every spatial design demands technology integration. Enhance your experience centre interior design by installing tablets and audio-visual screens to display product videos. You can also introduce technology by showcasing mechanically operated working models of the product. Install sensor-operated doors and lights to make the design of your experience centre feel luxurious, elegant and up to date. You can also install Virtual Reality (VR) booths to take the design of your experience centre a notch higher.

Branding the Experience to Enhance Experience Centre Interior Design

While promoting a product is the key objective of an experience centre, the underlying objective is to essentially create your brand value. Your brand’s work ethics, principles, and purpose should be subtly spoken about in your experience centre interior design. Use the walls to depict a timeline showing the evolution of your brand. Speak about product development over the years to help build credibility. Expressing your professional background allows the visitor to trust your brand by empathising with its journey. You can use your logo colours, brand mascots, and taglines as accent elements in the interior design. This will strengthen your bond with the potential buyer and improve brand recall value.

While promoting a product is the key objective of an experience centre, the underlying objective is to essentially create your brand value. Your brand’s work ethics, principles, and purpose should be subtly spoken about in your experience centre interior design. Use the walls to depict a timeline showing the evolution of your brand. Speak about product development over the years to help build credibility. Expressing your professional background allows the visitor to trust your brand by empathising with its journey. You can use your logo colours, brand mascots, and taglines as accent elements in the interior design. This will strengthen your bond with the potential buyer and improve brand recall value.

Enhance the Exhibits

The exhibits in an experience centre are often kept in an undecorated manner. You can challenge this traditional practice by improving the aesthetic appeal of your products. Lighting is an interesting tool that helps to draw attention to an element. Incorporate smart lighting in your experience center interior design to view the products in varying color temperatures. Alongside, explore accent lighting fixtures such as pendant lights and lamps to make your products the focal point of the room. You can also create a frame around the products by using LED strip lighting or cove lighting.

Final Word

Experience is the new black! In a world that is becoming more and more isolated due to digitisation, experience centres play on the card of physical interaction. They fill an intangible gap of communication that cannot be single-handedly bridged with technology. So, we believe that experience centres are not just a fad, they are here to stay and offer a unique public relations solution to the ever-changing society.  Experience centres are the new age tool for creating meaningful connections with the potential buyer through spatial designing.

You can set the perfect experience centre design example by using the above-mentioned ideas.

Learn innovative ways to design the office lobby and create a solid impression on your clients.

If you wish to learn more ideas about experience centre interior design, feel free to reach out to us here. You can also view our portfolio to check out our relevant works.

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